演講題目:Beyond the Boundaries of “Paper”
演講日期:2019年3月13日 13:30-14:20
包盛盈(Sheng-Ying Pao)博士,大學畢業於國立清華大學生命科學系並輔修資工系,並在台灣大學醫學院醫學工程研究所取得碩士學位,在美國 MIT Media Lab取得博士學位,是位兼具科技藝術跨領域的難得藝術家、科學家、創業人,專長包含生命科學、醫學工程、數位媒體藝術、前瞻科技創新創業。
包盛盈博士曾任百年跨國企業創新戰略總監,同時於麻省理工學院媒體實驗室(MIT Media Lab)授課並推動多項國際產學合作。包博士的跨領域創新創業經驗橫跨資訊科技、互動設計、與市場行銷。由於她兼具產業與學術的跨領域背景,包博士的研究及創作曾被谷歌(Google) 、推特(Twitter)、Dropbox、及美國銀行(Bank of America) 等收購成為旗下產品。她帶動產學合作及策略創新,將產品推到國際市場上市,此外,她創立的公司在眾籌平台Kickstarter成功募資1500%。包博士的創作由上千名國際企業產品中脫穎而出,獲得多項國際設計大獎,包括iF設計大獎,德國紅點設計獎,麻省理工學院TechX創新大獎、英國倫敦Best Design of the Year 2014 等。她是少數受到TED主辦單位邀請演講的女性華人。她的項目也受到TED評選為十年來最浪漫的創新。(更多參考:http://www.paoshengying.com )
As artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, and Big Data rise in popularity, several interesting challenges come to light. Many of the challenges belong to fundamental areas that determine not only the development of the emerging technology itself but also the future of humanity.
Today, technology increasingly permeates our environment but the spread of digital displays makes us more susceptible to passive viewership. What if we could combine the benefits of modern technology and traditional paper to empower communication and creativity? In this talk, Dr. Pao will present the interdisciplinary research, including a system that explores new affordances for pens that become an interface to transcend the boundaries of paper through a series of gesture interactions. Potential applications range from collaborative workspaces to participatory art experiences. Issues relating to create process, sharing and privacy, and usability are examined in light of the interactive nature of the system.
Another metaphor of “paper” is academic publication. In this talk, Dr. Pao will also take us to a journey of academia research that goes “beyond the boundaries of paper.” We now live in a world of global entrepreneurship. She will reveal real-world cases about the development of AI and technology-driven research from a new perspective of entrepreneurship in academia research, from conceptualization to actual deployment, with impact on future creativity, education, and interdisciplinary research.
More Information:
LightByte: Animate the Inanimate from Sheng-Ying (Aithne) Pao on Vimeo.